Goals! Setting Youself Up for Success

You are about to discover specific steps to set yourself UP for success! Did you know that God created you to be creative? He Himself is The Creator and He created you in His image. Since you are created in His image, you too, are a creator, with a small “c”. God created the universe and the earth for you and gave you the authority you need, in Him, to create. To set vision, set goals in your life and to reach for success. He loves for you to stretch yourself to achieve new horizons, new adventures, and new successes which requires you to trust Him and to have faith in Him that it will happen just like you believed it would happen. This coaching is so important for the key to why you need to have goals, the dangers of not having goals, or a vison in your life and the joy, meaning and feeling of fulfillment you gain when operating how God has created you. It you’ve struggled with not being able to focus, your life being filled with distractions, and struggling to even know “why you are doing what you are doing,” this coaching is for you. If you are business owner, supervisor or someone who seeks to be an excellent employee by discovering how you were designed for goals (vision) and knowing specific steps you need to take to discover, define, break down, and establish vision and goals in your life, this coaching is for you! Enjoy your awesome future filled with great achievements.

Goals! Setting Youself Up for Success
Type Notes below:

Goals! Setting Youself Up for Success
Type Notes below:

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