We live a world that is filled with a deep desire for more and more stuff and things. One of the richest men in the world today got rich by being the one who delivers the most things and stuff to as many people as possible as fast as possible. He name is Jeff Bezos and his company is Amazon. Did you know that Jesus spoke about this very topic when He was revealing the Secrets of His Kingdom? This part of the secret is very important as it not only speaks from God’s word about how the “desire for things” can take us out, but also speaks about how it will prevent us from being and doing the very thing we were chosen to do; bear fruit, much fruit, fruit that lasts. People say they are known by many things but when it comes to God, He knows each one of us by this one thing and Jesus said people recognize us by one thing; our fruit. This message will help you prioritize your life to focus on and help identify what “fruit” for a “believer” really is as we look at what Jesus says it is.