There is nothing more exciting than a not yet attempted dream and desire to start your very own garden. Dreams of growing your own vegetables fresh from the garden as you quickly dart out between your daily responsibilities to cut off a fresh cucumber, romaine lettuce for a salad with fresh tomatoes. Once you begin to plant the garden, you still have many of those fantasies, but once you’ve planted it, you discover what every farmer lives and dies by, it takes work! You must maintain the garden, fight off creatures who see your nice garden as a gift snack bar from God, to insects that seem to be driven by an evil spirit to devour your beautiful leaves and fruit of your garden. Worst of all, you discover that the very same working of the soil, making it fertile and soft which helps your fruit to grow at its highest potential, also empowers weeds to easily grow, the very thing that can choke out your garden keeping it from bearing fruit. In this message we’ll look at some of The Secrets of the Kingdom which Jesus shared about this very thing weeds sown by an evil neighbor, weeds sown by our own actions and the importance of continuing to work the soil if you are not seeing any fruit.