The Promise: Wait for the Promise of Our Father; POWER to do His Will and to do all Jesus did – Part 2

The birth of the Church was an amazing, powerful, and explosive moment in the Spirit.  In this teaching gaining understanding about the Promise of God and how we as sons and daughters of God are empowered by God’s Holy Spirit to do all the Lord has called us to will not only greatly encourage you but also transform your life and walk.  Jesus came from heaven-born as a man, lived as all man, all God, living a sinless life and it was His life, His ministry that made the Father, His Father, and our Father known to us.  Yet, when He was leaving to go back to be with the Father He gave specific instructions to the disciples to “wait for the Promise of My Father.”  Find out what that promise is why it’s important to wait for and how it’s impossible to do what the Lord has called us to without the promised Holy Spirit.

The Promise: Wait for the Promise of Our Father; POWER to do His Will and to do all Jesus did - Part 2
Type Notes below:

The Promise: Wait for the Promise of Our Father; POWER to do His Will and to do all Jesus did - Part 2
Type Notes below:

The Promise: Crank it Up a Notch God! Asking for Boldness in Times of Persecution – Part 1
The Promise: The Explanation of the Promise: Holy Spirit – Part 3