The Promise: The Sin of Simon; Men’s Lust for Power – Part 9

From the Garden of Eden when satan tempted Eve, to their sons, Cain and Abel, to Nimrod at the Tower of Babel, Goliath, Alexander the Great, Roman and Persian Empires, to the Nazi Empire with Hitler and to today men have fallen to the lust for power.  But it was when God had provided access to His power, through Jesus Christ and Jesus told His disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait for the baptism in power; they would receive power to be His witnesses where we learn the proper use of power.  Yet, we find out in this teaching about the sin of Simon, a man who started right but fell because of his lust for power.  He actually lusted after God’s power in the apostle’s life and thought he could buy it to bring glory to himself.  Discover in this part of the series of teachings on The Promised Holy Spirit about how important it is to seek the right perspective of why the Lord has given us power as a believer and learn why it could have some serious consequence if our perspective is the same as Simon’s.

The Promise: The Sin of Simon; Men's Lust for Power - Part 9
Type Notes below:

The Promise: The Sin of Simon; Men's Lust for Power - Part 9
Type Notes below:

The Promise: The Blessing of Shameless Audacity – Part 8
The Promise: The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me – Part 10